This is the free version of this application. The full version has no ads and has twice as many historical events in its database.
Learn world history from the beginnings of civilization through 1900! This app helps you learn hundreds of key events thoughout world history. Learn World History contains two quizzes in one app. First, you can get a sense of the order of historical events by using the “Which Came First” quiz, in which you choose the first of two events to happen. Then learn exact dates with the “When Did It Happen” quiz, where you have to identify a specific year when an event occurred.
The quizzes can be customized to a specific date range, allowing you to focus on the time period that is most important to you. The quizzes can also be limited to one of three subject areas: Warfare and Politics; Science and Exploration; or Arts and Culture. There is also a difficulty setting which controls how far apart the events are (in “Which Came First”) or how far apart the answer choices are (in “When Did It Happen”).
To study, there is a History Browser which shows events in order, with optional color-coding by subject area.
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